Friday, June 15, 2007

I Hate Being Sick!

I hate being sick. I really do. My throat feels like sandpaper, my glands are screaming at me and I'm exhausted. Summer vacation is here so this should be the ideal time to relax. Sure it is- I've got three very active kids and I feel like walking death. My state education laws say I have to assemble a portfolio of work to be submitted to a homeschool evaluator and the superintendent of schools. I don't have a problem with that. I believe if you are going to take responsibility for your child's/children's education you should also be held accountable to someone. This just falls at a very bad time for me. So pardon me if I'm bitchy. This whole thing is a royal pain in the ass right now. Last night after copying papers and pasting photos in the portfolio I actually forgot to give my kids baths. I put my son to bed and yelled in horror "Look at those feet! I forgot your bath!" My seven year old eyed my calmly and stated "Don't worry Mom. I'll live." What a great kid.